(305) 934-1461
What JP Werneck Has Been Up To
JP Werneck is a former soccer player, father of two sons and a amateur triathlete. JP was born in Brazil and has been living in US since 2012. JP completed his major in physical education at the Physical Education and Sports School at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) in 2000. He finished his Master’s degree (2001) and Ph.D. in human physiology (2006) at the same University. After doing his post doctorate in Exercise Biochemistry (2008-2009), he became an adjunct professor at UFRJ teaching exercise physiology and leading his research laboratory called Exercise Biology lab. He was the coordinator of the postgraduate course in Sciences of Soccer (2010-2011). In US, he was a Research Visiting Faculty at University of Miami (2012-2014) and Assistant Professor (2015-2016) at Rush University in Chicago. He is currently an Associate Scientist at University of Miami (since 2016).
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